ગુજરાત સરકાર દ્વારા અમલમાં મૂકવામાં આવેલ એનપીએસ એટલે કે નવવર્ધિત પેન્શન યોજના અંગેના ઠરાવો તથા પરિપત્રો

1 NPS Introduction GR 18-03-2005.pdf

2 NPS Introduction Guideline GR 21-03-2005.pdf

Coverage under All India Services (Death Cum Retirement Benefits) Rules 1958.pdf

Family Pension in NPS GR by FD 21-10-2022.pdf

GCSR NPS Rules 2024.pdf

Gratuity to NPS Holder.PDF

Investment Pattern Choice in NPS GR by FD 13-05-2024.pdf

NPS Deduction in NPA.pdf

OPS to Employees before 01-04-2005.pdf

PFRDA Instructions Circular by DPPF 21-04-2023.pdf

PRAN Proposal Circular by DPPF.pdf

Refund of Employee Contribution in case of Death 03-11-2023.pdf